PolyAI integrates with Genesys Cloud’s Bring Your Own Carrier (BYOC) service to provide efficient call handling, routing, and handoff capabilities. This guide explains how to integrate your Genesys Cloud instance with the PolyAI app available on the Genesys AppFoundry page.

BYOC setups use shared SIP Trunks, so PolyAI connects using a preconfigured multi-tenant trunk with shared IPs and settings.

PolyAI configuration

  1. Get connection tokens:

    • PolyAI will provide you with two tokens:
      • A UAT Token to use for testing.
      • A Production Token to use for live deployment.
    • Use these tokens to authenticate your SIP trunks with PolyAI.
  2. Enable Handoff API:

    • If screen pop is required, make sure you have configured your project to meet the standards of the Handoff API.
    • Request an API key from PolyAI for this functionality.
  3. Prepare for SIP INVITE data:

    • Your Genesys SIP INVITE will include:
      • x-inin-cnv: the Genesys Conversation ID.
      • X-User-to-User: Custom data in the format X-User-to-User:{data};encoding=ascii.
  4. Send data during SIP REFER:

    • To return data to Genesys, use this format in the SIP REFER message:

      Refer-To: <sip:{route}@{ip}?User-to-User={pd}{data}%3Bencoding%3Dhex>

      • Replace {pd} with the protocol discriminator (two hex digits).
      • Replace {data} with the hex-encoded information.

Genesys trunk setup


Configure the primary trunk

To configure a SIP trunk with Genesys Cloud, follow these steps.

Configuration steps for the US region:

  1. Navigate to Telephony > Trunks > External Trunks in Genesys Cloud.
  2. Create a new SIP trunk:
    • Type: BYOC Carrier
    • Subtype: Generic BYOC Carrier
    • Protocol: TLS
  3. SIP server: kam.us-1.polyai.app, Port: 5061
  4. Allow IP:
  5. Media settings: Codec audio/PCMU
  6. UUI passthrough:
    • Protocol: X-User-to-User
    • Encoding: Ascii
  7. Custom SIP headers:
    • Header: X-PolyAi-Auth-Token
    • Value: Use the token provided by PolyAI.

Create the secondary trunk

Repeat the above steps with the secondary PolyAI server and IP for your region:

  • US: kam2.us-1.polyai.app,

Set failover routing

  1. Go to Site > Edit Site > Outbound Routes in Genesys Cloud.
  2. Set the distribution pattern to Sequential to enable failover from the primary trunk to the secondary trunk.

For support, contact PolyAI at support@polyai.com.