The Rules section in the Agent Settings allows you to specify how your assistant should interact with callers and fulfill specific tasks. Here’s how you can utilize this section effectively:

Setting Instructions

  • Task Performance: Provide specific instructions on the tasks you’d like your assistant to perform and how to perform them. Be as precise as possible to ensure accurate execution.

  • Interaction Guidelines: Define rules on how your assistant should interact with callers, including language, tone, and mannerisms.

Enforcing Compliance

  • Content Restrictions: Specify rules on what your assistant should and should not say or do to avoid controversial topics or provide inaccurate information.

  • Monitoring and Compliance: Regularly monitor the assistant’s interactions and ensure compliance with the established rules and guidelines.

Best Practices

  • Precision: Be as specific as possible when setting instructions and rules to guide your assistant’s behavior effectively.

  • Clarity: Ensure that instructions and rules are clear and easy to understand to avoid any ambiguity.

By leveraging the Rules section effectively, you can ensure that your assistant stays on track and provides a consistent and reliable experience for your callers.

Enter specific instructions and rules to guide your assistant’s behavior and interactions with callers, promoting professionalism and alignment with your business objectives.