The PolyAI Agent Studio uses project versioning to develop, test, and deploy updates to agents. Each version represents a specific saved state, and you will have to verify and promote your project through all of them to Live before it is available in production.

Creating a version

A version is created whenever changes are made to an agent. A draft banner appears at the top of the page, allowing you to:

  • Delete: Revert to the most recent published version.

  • Publish: Save the draft as a version, optionally adding a description highlighting changes made and any notes for future collaborators.

Once published, the version becomes your active deployment and you can access it from the Environments and Versions page.

Promoting a version

Promotion moves a version from one environment to the next. The environments include Sandbox, , and .


Pre-release is used for user acceptance testing (UAT). It is a stable staging area where versions are tested before being released to production.

  1. Navigate to the Environments and Versions page.

  2. Click the Options Menu next to the desired version.

  3. Select Promote to Pre-release.


The live environment, also referred to as production, is where your agent handles real traffic.

  1. Go to the Pre-release tab on the Environments and Versions page.

  2. Click the overflow menu (three vertical dots) next to the version.

  3. Select Promote to Live.

  4. Confirm your selection by checking the box and clicking Promote.

Rolling back to a previous version

If an issue arises with the promoted version, you can roll back to a previous version:

  1. Navigate to the Environments and Versions page.

  2. Select the Options Menu for the desired version.

  3. Click Rollback.

  4. Confirm the rollback.

Once complete, the system will notify you that the rollback was successful.

Testing your agent

Main page: agent Chat

You can test your agent by interacting with it in different environments. This helps identify issues and refine prompts.

  1. Click the Play Chat icon in the top-right corner of the screen.

  2. Select the environment containing the version you want to test.

Assigning phone numbers

Each environment can have a unique phone number, allowing you to distinguish between test calls and live calls. To assign phone numbers:

  1. Go to Settings in the left navigation.

  2. Scroll to the Numbers and Connections section.

You can assign different phone numbers and SIP headers to your versions here.

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