Visit the integrations homepage if you are looking for more information on Webchat integrations.

Use the Chat API to integrate PolyAI agents into existing systems, and use its endpoints to get programmatic access to your automated chat interactions. This API structures non-voice web integration conversations, messages, and chat sessions using a simple set of REST endpoints.

The Chat API can power multiple Webchat integrations, including WhatsApp, email, and in-app widgets.

Chatting with the API

  1. Initiate conversation: Send a POST /chat/create request with required headers.

  2. Send and receive messages: Use the /chat/respond endpoint for ongoing interaction.


Base URLs

The Chat API is available in the following regions:


API path format

All endpoints follow this structure:

POST /v1/{account_id}/{project_id}/chat/{operation}
  • account_id: Your PolyAI account ID, e.g., ACCOUNT-12345678.

  • project_id: Your PolyAI project ID, e.g., PROJECT-87654321.